Monday, 28 December 2009

Cinema Trip! Saturday 2nd January

Calling all wild things!

Who is up for a trip to the cinema this Saturday (1:30 pm) to see "Where the Wild Things Are"?! This film looks all magical and stuff. :) It would be good to see you all.

Let me know :0)


Wednesday, 16 December 2009


If you are free to help decorate for the party on Friday then the time to arrive is five!
This will be just before the party, so please bring your costumes and foods with you in preparation!
Look forward to seeing you there,
Ps getting better little by little, my thanks to all well-wishers and for all prayers! :)

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Narnia Party Details


Through the Back of the Wardrobe...


here are the provisional plans for Friday. I’m still ill, so you’ll have to excuse if my writing style is boring today!

1. Narnia Theme!

Feel free to come dressed as your favourite Narnian character! Also if you have suggestions for games or activities I would love to hear them :)

2. Food!!

Please could you bring something to share- either a savoury snack or a pudding of some kind. Extra points for anyone who provides a Narnian themed dish! (okay, so there are no points but I shall salute your inventiveness and nod appreciatively)

3. Decorations/ Set up!!!

If you are free on Friday afternoon, please could you come on over and help me decorate the room in true “the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” style?

I will text/ email you all tomorrow about the exact time when I will be looking for volunteers.

That is all, except to say I am really looking forward to the Party! See you soon!!

God bless,

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Steps of Style - Junior Breakdance Battle, Sunday, December 13

it Club's very own Laura Harrison has invited us to watch her do her thing this Sunday.

All welcome! (Details below)

Event: Steps of Style - Junior Breakdance Battle
What: Performance
Start Time: Sunday, December 13 at 1:00pm
End Time: Sunday, December 13 at 5:00pm
Where: Stewart's Melville College

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

This week at it club...

Tuesday 08/12/09 (Friday 11th December ‘09)

it's your news!!

it’s... a GIRLLL!!!!

Hey guys,
sorry it has been a while, but I have been waiting for this moment for a while,
we have a new one in our family, little Evelynn Lee Williamson.
Born Sunday, at 7:23 AM, 7 pounds 11 ounces. She is in wonderful health, and so is the new mommy. And of course, as luck would have it, she has some serious ginger hair!!

Blessings on you guys, and praise the Lord for this new life.


Pictures used with the permission of the mummy and the daddy!

This weekend @ Bristo:

Friday 11th

Nestle, What are you doing ?
Don’t forget your Cadbury’s wrappers! Also if you want to include a personalised or signed letter for the director of Nestle I will send you the template letter as an attachment tomorrow and you can bring it on Friday (or email it for me to print—again I will do my best to use eco-friendly paper!)
Perhaps we can discuss an imaginative way to package the wrappers and letters and then I will send the package to the UK director of Nestle next Monday (14/12,) so that it can make it to him before the New Year. =]

Next Week

Friday 18th December, Narnia Christmas Party!!!

Next Friday we’re going to Narnia for our Christmas Party!

I’m thinking:
decorations, costumes, themed games,
and Narnia-style food!
These things work best when we can all relax and chill out together so I am looking for volunteers to bring food and to help set up either the evening before (Thursday 17th ) or on the afternoon of the actual day (18th).
Please let me know this Friday whether you can help or if you are going to bring some food so we can plan the
mayhem effectively!

Sunday 20th December, an invite from Sandie

Sandie has invited us all to come and watch her dance in

Let it Snow!

at the Queens Hall Theatre.
Singing, dancing , snow?!!
It sounds great! =]

Visit the website to find out more.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

an Invite from Tanya

Dear folks,
on Saturday December 12th we are going to watch the film Arthur and the Invisibles
followed by an opportunity for discussion with ifriends (international club), It club (youth club) and some friends from the church!
We'll do it at Bristo Baptist church in the upstairs lounge from 7pm-10pm.
Please feel free to bring your friends and some snacks with you if you want!
Hope to see you all there!
Best wishes,

Friday, 4 December 2009

it's about... ...response-Ability

eMPOWering you to respond to the issues we've been Sharing

Nestle, what are you doing?
A while ago we decided to collect wrappers from Fair Trade Chocolate bars (especially Cadbury's Dairy Milks) and to send them to Nestle as part of a campaign by Stop The Traffik trying to get this confectionary giant to declare that they do not use cocoa beans picked by trafficked children in their chocolate. (Full details on this campaign here)

Last time at it club we gave you an opportunity to write a letter to Nestle asking them to come clean about their actions. If you wanted to join in this campaign but did not have time there is a copy of the template letter from Stop the Traffik's website attached which you can sign your name to, and bring it back to it club in the next few weeks. You will note that we put the Church address as the sender address, just in case you or your parents don't want to be hassled at home by Nestle- we can take any flak! Feel free to personalise this letter as you wish- you could mention facts you have found out or concerns you have on this matter. Make sure to keep it polite and respectful though – not only are you more likely to be heard this way, you are also representing us a club. If you bring your letters to it club before the end of term as well as any more chocolate wrappers, we can send both before the new year (Happy Christmas Nestle!)

Hopefully by the new year the tuck shop will stock FairTrade chocolates in the mean time we will continue sharing Dairy Milk in return for donations. Last month we discussed putting these donations towards a good cause. Below are weblinks and photos to remind you of the two causes I suggested. Have a read and think on it and we'll discuss it again at it club.

International Justice Mission website

To read the success story I shared with you click here.

Lom Soup Kitchen, Bulgaria

Click here for details on our Church magazine site.

it's about... ...rising to the challenge

When I was 16 I went climbing with my friends at our local YMCA every weekend (cue music!) -it was the highlight of my Saturday. It was great! We basically had the free-form climbing wall to ourselves and would spend the best part of the afternoon scaling walls, negotiating overhangs and tumbling onto safety mats (free-form = no ropes!) The only problem was I could not for the life of me make it all the way to the top of even the simplest of walls! I could find the hand-holds okay, stand on the tiniest of foot-holds, cling spider like to the wall, but try as I might I could not manage the top two metres of the wall – the climbing holds at that point were just too far above the ones on the lower half. So, I would watch my friends- both of whom were shorter than me - crawl up and down the walls with ease but could not see how it was done.

They were good friends though. One day they decided to help me get past this rut I found myself in and help me to the top. Their plan was simple but ingenious. They climbed up, placed a number of sweets on top of the pipes that ran along the ceiling above the easiest section of the wall and climbed down. My turn. The following hour and a half saw one failed attempt after another on my part, as I desperately tried to scale the wall to get my prize. Honestly – I don't think I could have tried harder if it was a £100 cash prize up there! My friends laughed, cheered me on and only paused in their support of me to go and grab a bottle of Lucozade from the vending machine downstairs. I was not for giving up or having a break however- as soon as they left the room I leapt to my feet and started throwing myself at the wall. Scrambling up, falling down, scrambling up, falling down, getting so close … yet still so far... and then, even as I thought I heard my friends laughter outside the door, I managed one last push to the top... and I made it! HAHA!! I made it!!! My grip however, was not strong - I had only seconds to claim my prize so I swiped them off the top of the pipe letting them drop to the floor, before following after them in the same fashion.

Yup. I had “mastered” climbing up the wall but not back down. As I dropped the 5 metres to the crash mat I reflected I was content to let that particular lesson wait for next Saturday. My friends came back in time to see me devouring the last of my hard-earned prizes. Never had soft candy tasted so good.

I have always enjoyed a challenge and as far as I know you my friends, I can see that you do too. Recently we have been exploring one of the biggest challenges humanity has ever received:

He has shown you humanity, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God
micah 6:8

We have seen how it is a challenge to how we behave by calling us to act in ways that ensure everyone has just what they need. It is a challenge that gets to the heart of our priorities: not just showing mercy, but really loving it, to the point where it affects everything we do. And just like my rock-climbing challenge, it is a challenge that comes with a prize: When we act justly, when we really love mercy, we can enjoy the fruit of acting justly which is peace -inner peace, peace with others, peace with the world, and that calm, quiet walk of peace with God who we suspect to be just, merciful and amazingly humble...

Last week we began to move from exploring this challenge to responding to it in ways both practical and creative. It was hectic, busy and most of all fun -and that was just the start! In the following weeks we are going to make space for you to continue to respond, whether by working on the art-wall or continuing to work on performance pieces. To make this space available we are going to do things a bit differently. Our sharing time will start at 8:15 pm to allow every one plenty of time to arrive and will be something of a recap of things we have looked at so far, as well as a taster of things to come, to maybe help inspire you in your creative responses.

Also in this email I have included details about some of the practical ways of responding we have talked about, as well as links to relevant websites, etc. and news about upcoming events!

God bless you,

Be reflective, respond creatively!

Creative reflection and response

I am aware that the issues of justice, situation and causes we are exploring are provoking all kinds of thoughts and feelings in each one of us. An important part of what we are doing in looking at creative ways of responding to these things is trying to empower each other to find helpful and creative ways to process all these thoughts and emotions and to respond to them both personally and together as friends. We will all work through things in different ways – some of us journal or scribble notes; some of us doodle or splash paint about; some think out-loud- we only really hear our own thoughts when they have passed out through our lips and back in the ears; others bounce ideas of other people. Some keep scrapbooks, write poems, thrash out songs in an improv manner on the guitar, while others throw their arms and bodies into movement.

Whatever you do, find a way that helps you get things off your chest in a way that is sate and helpful, that helps you recognise your own reaction and creates space to reflect on other points of view, so that you can then respond to it creatively and positively. By safe I simply mean that much of what is going on inside of you is very personal by definition – it touches you in a place where you are vulnerable to experiencing and feeling things deeply. It could be unnecessarily painful if you choose to share these things with others who are unsympathetic to you at least initially. For that reason, if you want to share the process of reflection with another person I would find someone you can trust to listen freely and to judge sparingly. You know who these people are ~ they're your BFF, your inner circle, the family members you feel free to be yourself with, (maybe God even?) For the same reason I would keep a journal as a reflective space rather than a blog, (although you might want to use your blog as a place of response) unless of course you know and trust every one of the millions of people using the internet in a deep way.1

You might have noticed I am describing reflection and response as two different things: Reflection as the way in which you deal with your gut reactions and immediate thoughts to stuff; it's about knowing what you think and feel and why, and is very intimate. Response is what you then decide to share from your reflections with others; it's about deciding how you will express the result of your reflections in ways that might make a difference. Both are personal, but one is more internal and the other is external.

After you have doodled, journalled, scribbled, bantered with your trusted person, danced your heart out, basically done your thing, you may then want to do something practical and creative that expresses how you feel, or what you think.

You might write a poem, draw a comic, collect a series of photos that speak to you , choreograph a dance, script a drama or draw together an AMV. Tell a story, write a letter, write an exciting essay, blog your thoughts! The list is endless. My basic question is: in what way does it make sense for you as a creatively created person to respond to the challenge that you feel in your bones?

Here at it club we want to give each other the space and opportunity to respond in creative and personal ways- the art wall is one such space, the performance workshop is another, so bring your ideas, your photos, articles, etc Part of the fun of it club is also about bringing our personalities and creative gifts together in exciting and unique collaborations, so be prepared to explore ways of working together to create new things!

Psst! Remember if you are going to use the photos, works and words of other people in your response to respect their privacy creative work and person-hood by asking permission, giving due credit or providing anonymity where appropriate. If you are not sure about any of this ask me - M@

Over to you!

Does anybody have any suggestions for things to do together as a group over the Christmas holidays?

Upcoming Events for it club @ Bristo - December

Friday 4th Dec

What kind of greatness can this be? ~ part 1

Saturday 12th Dec

faith at the movies

organised by Tanya & ifriends,
our international club
a movie with meaning, followed by a dynamic discussion
(movie to be announced)

Friday 11th Dec

What kind of greatness can this be? ~part 2

Friday 18th Dec

Christmas Party

Is everyone free?
Does anybody have a theme?
Lets discuss what we can do and share, this Friday evening!

Sunday 20th Dec

Comely Bank Churches Together
Carol Service
@ Bristo Baptist Church

An evening of sharing in the celebration of Christmas with Christians from different traditions in various styles.

Friday 25th Dec Christmas Day!

Christmas Morning Service

No it club this evening, but feel free to celebrate the heart of Christmas with us in the morning. The whole family is welcome.


Thursday 7th TFT Café Church

It is our turn to plan! Any one got a burning issue they would like to discuss?