Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Concert Postponed!

Hi guys,

Unfortunately Friday night's Wind Concert has been postponed due to the weather conditions.  Keep ahold of your tickets though because we will be putting the concert on in 2011!  Yup siree, can't wait...  :D

So.. given that the evening is now free - who would like to do it club anyway?  Email the it club address and let us know!


Monday, 31 May 2010

No it Club this Friday ~ Billy Elliot Trip instead

No it Club this Friday ~  Billy Elliot Trip instead

Dear all,

Just a reminder that this Friday since a group of us will be watching Sandie dance in Billy Elliot there will be no it club at Bristo.

A reminder for those coming on the trip:

We will be meeting outside the Festival Theatre on Nicholson Street (see here) at 7:15 pm.  Please be prompt!

If you have not yet repaid me for the tickets, please can you bring £7 on the evening.  Thank you.

See you soon,


Lock-in 11th June


At the request of the group and in celebration of the end of exams, there will be an overnight lock-in on Friday 11th June (we'd like to call it a sleep-over but we're not that optimistic!)  We will start the evening together and split off into a girls group and guys group later on for the rest of the night.  Girls Tanya will be touch to know what you would like to do.  Guys do you have any suggestions??

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Billy Elliot: The Musical Friday 4th June

Guys!  Sandie is totally in this musical! 

What's say we go and support her by watching her?  In fact, what's say we make it a fun night out together and what is more, who thinks we should save money by booking as a group?

If at least 8 of us book together, we could pay as little as £9 each, but if 10 of us go together, we could get a youth club booking and pay only £7 each!  (Compare that to individual ticket prices of £10 /£12 for children and £13 / £15 for adults!)

Let's discuss this more tomorrow evening,


Wednesday, 24 February 2010

New Posts Ahoy!


Sorry about that – feeling a bit nautical.

Anyhoo- check out the new posts down below.




Haiti Donations Reminder


I won’t say much about this as I think we all know the needs on this earthquake-stricken island are great and that we really want to help.  Let’s try our best to bring in our donations this Friday.  Together, we could make a difference for those who are still suffering in Haiti.

God bless.

Decisions, decisions…


This week we’re going to be looking at the choices we make.  From the inconsequential to the ridiculous to the life-changing.  To help us with this the story for this week’s sharing time comes from Luke 4:1-13. 

Next Week’s Cafe Church:


Hey everyone,
just to let you know that the next Café church is on Thursday the 4th of March, and you’re all invited!  The topic is “love” – we will be talking about love (needs no more explanation than that!) It will be at Costas in Stockbridge, starting at 7:00 and ending 8:45.

Hope to see you all there!

from Richard

Monday, 15 February 2010

Hey, hey! It's a holiday!!

Hi guys,

It Club this week @ same time. same place.

Don't forget about the film night on Saturday:

Kite Runner
7- 10pm @ Bristo

Enjoy some well-earned rest!


Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Um..., it turns out there is no news this week!

Haha sorry :[

One thing to remember though is that we are still raising money for the Haiti Disaster Relief Fund.
So far we have raised £10!

:) See you Friday

Monday, 8 February 2010

New Posts on Wednesday

Up by 9 pm!

See you soon :)

Monday, 1 February 2010

Welcome to the Week!


Thank you everyone for your wonderful contributions on Friday night at our Burns Ceilidh! These times when we share our passions and talents are so special :) I just wanted to post a few reminders about this week:

Thursday 4th February
7- 9 pm
A message about TFT Café Church from Alison at Granton Baptist:

Would love to see you all at the next Cafe Church on Thursday (4 February). The topic is "What am I worth?"....and looks at self esteem issues. We've got folk coming through from Livingston so would be good to see a good crowd in support. If you haven't given Cafe Church a try's worth at least that. See you then.


Friday 5th February

Robert Mill's 60th Birthday Ceilidh
7 pm -11 pm
An opportunity to dress up (i.e. smartly rather than as a highland cow for example,) and to celebrate with Karri's family. We know that some of you will have to come and go later or earlier, please feel free to do that, but let's make sure to thank Karri's mum for the invite and wish Robert all the best :)
I will be in touch about possible performances...

Coming Soon

Last week I blogged about Journey, a new course exploring the deeper questions of our existence and what it means to live life the Jesus way. I think that I will leave it another week before starting it, and the date will depend on those who are available. It could be either a Friday afternoon or a Sunday evening, so please let me know if you are interested and which would benefit you the most!

Thanks, M@

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Postive Discrimination?!

Greetings one and all!

Phew! I don't about you, but I have felt rushed off my feet this week- but I do know that I am really looking forward to this Friday's it for a time of chilled out entertainment. Should be a nice antidote to the pressures of the last few weeks :-) Have a look below for the details of this Friday and also next Friday's Ceilidh (don't forget to let me know before Friday if you can make it on Feb 5th!)

Last week we started our sharing time with this cheery little quiz.* Have a go if you weren’t there on Friday night and then come back here for the rest..

In all seriousness it drew our attention to the shocking inequality that exists worldwide between males and females. It seems women are getting paid far less than men even though statistically they do far more work and that much of the world’s poverty rests on the shoulders of women. We thought about the ways in which the human tendency to exploit the weak has resulted in men dominating society and women being subjugated, valued in many ways for their ability to continue the family tree and to populate communities, rather than everyone bringing their unique skills and abilities together to create a fairer and more just world where everyone’s potential is recognised. This divide is clearer in some cultures than others and was especially clear in Palestine 2000 years ago.

When we looked at the story of Mary and the angel, we considered that Jesus’ coming into the world brought with it a hope for change. This hope for change is expressed in an magnificent song found here and it’s what we’ll be exploring for this weekend at it.

* I include the link for those who were present as well as those who missed out since we never got to finish it because the battery died on my net-book! Why not take a look before reading on?

an invitation to a journey


Hmm…  “…invitation to a journey” …maybe that’s not quite accurate.  I mean - we’re all on a journey – exploring ding our way into the future, looking for the best direction to travel in.  And recently – these past two, three years, we’ve been experiencing that journey together as fellow travelling companions, being a part of each other’s lives, asking big questions, learning from one another, looking at what guidance Jesus can give us. 

No, this invitation is not to a journey, but to explore this journey deeper.  The journey of humanity as shaped by God, lived by Jesus and followed in stumbling steps by this thing we call “Church.”  In ten sessions from February to April, we’ll be asking big questions:

“What are we here for?”

“What is God about?”

“What’s unique about the journey Jesus invites us to when he says ‘Come, follow me’  ?”

If you’re interested, ask me on Friday.  I may mention it again, but I won’t be pushing it.  This is a journey of freedom and the invitation is freely chosen and freely received.

upcoming events


Aren’t Thursdays neat?  I mean it is just one short day away from being a Friday and you can’t beat Fridays- am I right?

Also, who likes Cafés?  Cafés are pretty sweet, with the hot drinks and the comfy chairs and the chilling out hey?  And Church, Church is awe … ok- I admit it- I have no idea what is happening next Thursday at Cafe Church.

What I do know is that Richard, Tanya, Pedro and I are going to be at Costas from 7 – 9 pm next Thursday (4th February and we would love if it you could join us and let us introduce you to a few people who we think are pretty neat as well. 

Check this space for updates.


Monday, 25 January 2010

Do you like Ceilidhs?!

Yeah, we like Ceilidhs!! ^_^

And to prove it in the next two we’re going to be part of not just one but TWO – read ‘em, two Ceilidhs!

This coming Friday, 29th January, in celebration of Burns night, we will be having a traditional Gaelic Ceilidh with a twist . So if you have a performance piece, a dance, a musical piece, a poem, an AMV or anything that you haven’t shared at it club before then feel free to come and share it this weekend.

It wouldn’t be a party without food, so if you bring the sweets, we coaches will bring something tasty for savoury. PLUS, I am looking for someone who could lend us a Karaoke machine for the evening too. Let me know if that’s you.

And then on the following Friday 5th February, we will be accepting Karri’s family’s kind invitation to her step-dad’s 60th Ceilidh. Please, please, please let me know before Friday whether you can go or not so we can let Karri’s mum know the numbers so she can plan for catering. :]

Phew! A lot of requests this week, but all in the anticipation that there will be a lot of fun to be shared in the coming weekends =]

image from

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

~ dinnae fear!


That was the theme of our sharing times last week as we reflected together on whether the message the angels brought had anything to say for us today as we look towards the future.

I hope that if you are in the middle of exams right now, you are managing to stay calm and to not fear or worry.  I want you to know that I am keeping you in my prayers.  If you are one of the lucky ones who don’t have exams right now, then why not join me in prayer for our friends who are?  It doesn’t have to be anything complicated – simply a remembering of those people, feeling for their situation and asking God to help.  The words are not as important as the hope and the desire.

However you are feeling right now, I hope we can continue to provide a calm, safe space for you at it club this weekend and listening ears. =]

God bless you with peace and love for one another,


teen challenged

With all these exams going on and decisions about the future needing made, I am sure it can be easy to feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.

But what if you were 'tapped up' for a huge responsibility that might even mean the fate of the world quite literally rests on your shoulders?

That’s the situation we’re going to be looking at this week in our sharing time @ it. If you have the time and you want to be in the know, then why not read

Luke chapter 1 verses 26 - 38

image found @:

Burns Night Ceilidh, Friday 29th January


Do you remember the Burns Night Ceilidh we celebrated 2 years ago?

Everyone brought a creative or dramatic piece to share: a song, a poem, a dance, an animation?

It was a tremendous evening that I think it’s accurate to say rocked everyone’s socks!

In 9 days time we are gonna do a similar event. Have a think about it and let me know if you have anything you want to contribute!


Ps on a similar note does anyone have a Karaoke machine they could bring along? :P

image by Karri, with thanks to

a special invitation… Update!




Having discussed this invite last Friday night, the general response so far seems positive.  However, we didn’t feel able to make the decision by ourselves – there was only 7 of us! – we weren’t keen on such a small group making this decision on behalf of everyone.  We will need to make a decision soon though- we have only one more Friday before the RSVP date. 

The event is a birthday Ceilidh for Karri’s step dad’s BIG 6-0~ it’s a smart dress event, and it is on Friday 5th February.  A full meal will be provided!  As I said previously it is very generous of Karri’s family to invite us, so naturally it behoves us to give a kind reply.  But what shall we reply?! 

Over to you!:

If you haven’t yet given your thoughts and if you won’t be about this Friday please could you let me know your thoughts by text or by email, so we can give a properly considered reply that represents a group decision! 

Thank you. ^_^


original post:

it club has received an invite for the birthday celebrations of Karri’s step-dad Robert.  All the info is on the image above (designed by Karri-san herself!)

This is really kind of Karri’s family to invite us all.  Shall we give it a good thought and discuss as a group on Friday whether we will go together?

The alternative would be  to organise our own fun for the evening elsewhere outside the building.

Give it some thought, chat about it and we will put our heads together on Friday! :)

Monday, 18 January 2010



How are you all?

New posts up by 8pm, Wednesday evening!

Thinking of you guys who are starting exams this week.

God bless you all in whatever is going on with you this week!


Wednesday, 13 January 2010

it club 2010: this Friday & beyond


Hi one, hey all!

I just wanted to let you know that this week at it we will be back and
also that we know this prelim time is stressful so we want to be considerate of that and responsive to how people feel so if you are up for activity this Friday that's cool but if everyone just wants to flop and chill that's fine too. 

As always we want it to be a safe and caring place for everyone

:)  Hope to see you soon,


a suggestion for Friday

Hi, I am aware that almost everyone is busy with revision and that when you have a break you might like to switch your brains off,
if you do feel like doing something different, then why not have a read of the little books of Luke’s Gospel you got for Christmas?

I can especially recommend the stories featuring Angels, found in chapter 1:5-25 , 1:26-38 and chapter 2:8-20. If you really get into it you could read all the bits in-between too!

In all seriousness, we do realise that you are hugely busy, so don’t feel obliged. This is going to be more of a weekly thing over the next few months with me giving you the heads up re: the stories we are sharing. Consider it an opportunity for finding out what we’ll be sharing about this Friday at it!

Ps. Whatever you decide to do, it would be helpful if you could bring those little books along :)

Sunday, 10 January 2010

new week, new year! posts up by Wednesday!

in the mean time details of it club this month can be found below... :-)

Have a good week!

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

TFT Cafe Church

Into the Future!

Happy New Year all!

What does 2010 hold for you:

Hope, anxiety, fears or opportunities?

Whatever’s on your mind, come and share it over a hot chocolate among friends at Costa Coffee in Stockbridge.

What? TFT Cafe Church (click for more info)

When? Thursday 7th January 2010

What time? 7 – 9 pm

Where? Costa Coffee, 50 Raeburn Place, Stockbridge, EH4 1HL

costa map

images from and google maps

It Club in January

Thursday 7th TFT Cafe Church

“Into the Future”

See above for details!

Friday 8th NO it club this week!

Friday 15th it club returns!

Friday 22nd it club: a safe haven from prelims!

Friday 29th Burns Night Special?*

Hi guys, sorry there is no it club this week, but I thought since Pedro and Tanya are away and James has started a new job, that we might all enjoy an excuse to stay in out of the cold!

Having said that, if you are keen to meet up this week there is always the Cafe night on Thursday!

* As for the 29th, does anybody remember our Alternative Ceilidh on Burns Night a few years ago? We chilled out and took it in turn sharing something we had created– a poem, a dance, an animation or a piece of music we had learnt- and ate Haggis Pizzas. It was a ton of fun and I think we were all amazed at the talent on show and the creativity we each possessed!

Could we do something similar? – let me know!

Photo from: