Wednesday, 13 January 2010

a suggestion for Friday

Hi, I am aware that almost everyone is busy with revision and that when you have a break you might like to switch your brains off,
if you do feel like doing something different, then why not have a read of the little books of Luke’s Gospel you got for Christmas?

I can especially recommend the stories featuring Angels, found in chapter 1:5-25 , 1:26-38 and chapter 2:8-20. If you really get into it you could read all the bits in-between too!

In all seriousness, we do realise that you are hugely busy, so don’t feel obliged. This is going to be more of a weekly thing over the next few months with me giving you the heads up re: the stories we are sharing. Consider it an opportunity for finding out what we’ll be sharing about this Friday at it!

Ps. Whatever you decide to do, it would be helpful if you could bring those little books along :)

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