Wednesday, 20 January 2010

a special invitation… Update!




Having discussed this invite last Friday night, the general response so far seems positive.  However, we didn’t feel able to make the decision by ourselves – there was only 7 of us! – we weren’t keen on such a small group making this decision on behalf of everyone.  We will need to make a decision soon though- we have only one more Friday before the RSVP date. 

The event is a birthday Ceilidh for Karri’s step dad’s BIG 6-0~ it’s a smart dress event, and it is on Friday 5th February.  A full meal will be provided!  As I said previously it is very generous of Karri’s family to invite us, so naturally it behoves us to give a kind reply.  But what shall we reply?! 

Over to you!:

If you haven’t yet given your thoughts and if you won’t be about this Friday please could you let me know your thoughts by text or by email, so we can give a properly considered reply that represents a group decision! 

Thank you. ^_^


original post:

it club has received an invite for the birthday celebrations of Karri’s step-dad Robert.  All the info is on the image above (designed by Karri-san herself!)

This is really kind of Karri’s family to invite us all.  Shall we give it a good thought and discuss as a group on Friday whether we will go together?

The alternative would be  to organise our own fun for the evening elsewhere outside the building.

Give it some thought, chat about it and we will put our heads together on Friday! :)

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